What is the Average React Native Developer Salary Across the World?

Nadiia Kovalchuk Team Lead of IT Researchers

While building native applications can be quite costly, more and more tech companies make their choice in favor of hybrid apps which are mostly created with React Native. This framework is used to power over 35,000 mobile apps, including some of the worldโ€™s leading ones like Microsoft OneDrive, Instagram, Skype, Netflix, Airbnb, and Uber!

But where can IT businesses make high-quality React Native apps for a reasonable price? Being an experienced IT recruitment company in Eastern Europe, Alcor knows the answer to this question. Continue reading this article to learn more about React Native developer demand, qualifications, and average salaries across the globe.


React Native Market Trends

Back in 2015, technological giant Facebook initiated a hackathon. The most talented programmers were engaged in the creation of a revolutionary framework that could make mobile application development much easier, cheaper, and faster. Thatโ€™s how React Native was born. This open-source JavaScript framework enables the creation of cross-platform applications which can run both on iOS and Android.ย 

Nowadays, React Native is one of the best solutions for mobile development in the global IT market. According to Stack Overflow, it is in the top 5 frameworks used by professional programmers. So, letโ€™s have a look at the core reasons for choosing React Native.

1. Time- and cost-efficient

What makes React Native a real star is its ability to apply reusable code. Unlike some older methods, React Native interacts with existing native code and APIs, eliminating the need in building the same app for iOS and Android separately. In this way, tech companies can save up to 50% of development time and costs, while getting two high-quality native-like apps. This is one of the main reasons why React Native is so widespread among startups.

2. Easy maintenance & debugging

When utilizing React Native framework, tech enterprises can also cut their expenses on maintenance and debugging, as they are done on both apps at the same time. Itโ€™s also possible to invest savings in testing and iteration, making the app more sophisticated yet user-friendly.

3. Strong performance

In the past, hybrid technologies were the only option for cross-platform app creation. However, the appearance of the React Native framework has changed the rules of the game. Now developers can build superfast apps, making great use of GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) instead of CPU (Central Processing Unit). This enables React Native apps to perform just like the native ones.ย 

4. Dev-friendly

React Native has some useful features, such as โ€œlive reloading,โ€ which allows developers to preview the changes in the code when working on an app. In this way, engineers can get real-time feedback, making their programming process more expeditious.ย 

5. Supported by the community

Choosing the right framework for app creation is a crucial decision in the development process. Sometimes unreliable solutions may lead to unexpected breakdowns and inconsistencies which could result in time loss and additional expenses. For its part, React Native is devoid of such โ€œsurprises,โ€ since it is actively powered by Facebook. This tech giant makes all possible efforts to upgrade and debug the framework to maintain its high effectiveness and ease of usage.ย 

Since React Native seems like a more expedient option for mobile app development, more and more IT companies make their choice in favor of this framework. Thatโ€™s how the demand for React Native programmers keeps on the rise. For instance, in the USA, there are about 70,000 open vacancies: ZipRecruiter โ€“ 40,000; LinkedIn โ€“ 15,000; Indeed โ€“ 12,000.ย 

But are there enough React Native developers to satisfy these needs? Even though the US IT market has been going through a shortage of skilled engineers, the global React Native talent pool is far from being small. According to data from Statista, this framework is used by 42% of all software developers, the total number of which is 26,8 million. Continue reading this article to find out which destinations offer the most affordable rates for React Native developers.

React Native Developer Salary: Key Takeaways

When exploring the global market, you can choose between three expertise levels (junior, middle, and senior) that presuppose different sets of skills and professional knowledge. Naturally, the bigger the experience, the higher the salary is.ย 

From my professional knowledge, I can say that for junior-level React Native developers itโ€™s enough to know JavaScript, have a good understanding of the React Native framework, be experienced with basic testing methods, and have a thirst for knowledge and self-growth. On their part, middle React Native programmers should have a much broader array of coding skills. They need to be aware of all the necessary aspects of app development, deployment, and optimization. Senior-level experts in turn should be capable of both managing application development processes and React Native team performance.


Now letโ€™s see how the average React Native salary varies from one expertise level to another across the world. All currencies were converted to US dollars at a relevant exchange rate for November 2022.

Gross annual income, USD North America South America
Juniorย React Native Developer $52,000-$61,000 $39,000-$44,000
Middle React Native Developer $70,000-$85,000 $45,000-$50,000
Senior React Native Developer $92,000-$115,000 $53,000-$74,000
Gross annual income, USD Western & Nordic Europe Eastern Europe
Juniorย React Native Developer $40,000-$49,000 $20,000-$30,000
Middle React Native Developer $53,000-$60,000 $35,000-$50,000
Senior React Native Developer $63,000-$75,000 $55,000-$69,000
Gross annual income, USD Eastern &
Southern Asia
Middle East Africa
Junior React Native Developer $31,000-$38,000 $53,000-$73,000 $32,000-$40,000
Middle React Native Developer $42,000-$55,000 $75,000-$92,000 $40,000-$50,000
Senior React Native Developer $57,000-$68,000 $93,000-$112,000 $55,000-$70,000

React Native Developer Salary in North America


Plenty of American tech companies (particularly the ones from San Francisco) use React Native for hybrid app development. Such high demand makes local IT professionals the most well-paid in the world, with California and New York providing the most generous remunerations.

Gross annual income, USD United States
California Texas Florida New York
Junior React Native Developer $70,000-$80,000 $45,000-$57,000 $50,000-$60,000 $60,000-$70,000
Middle React Native Developer $90,000-$120,000 $70,000-$80,000 $80,000-$100,000 $90,000-$120,000
Senior React Native Developer $130,000-$170,000 $90,000-$120,000 $100,000-$130,000 $130,000-$160,000


The Canadian IT market is not lagging far behind, offering quite a similar average React Native developer salary as the USA: $50,000-$140,000.

Gross annual income, USD Canada
Toronto Vancouver Ottawa Calgary
Junior React Native Developer ย $70,000-$80,000 $62,000-$70,000 ย $60,000-$70,000 ย $50,000-$65,000
Middle React Native Developer ย $100,000-$110,000 ย $90,000-$105,000 ย $80,000-$95,000 ย $70,000-$90,000
Senior React Native Developer ย $120,000-$140,000 ย $110,000-$130,000 ย $110,000-$120,000 $100,000-$120,000


Mexican React Native programmers receive much lower annual compensations than Canadian and American ones, which on average range from $39,000 to $70,000.

React Native Developer Salary in South America

Gross annual income, USD North America South America
USA Canada Mexico Brazil Argentina
Juniorย React Native Developer $55,000-$70,000 $60,000-$70,000 $39,000-$42,000 $40,000-$45,000 $38,000-$43,000
Middle React Native Developer $83,000-$105,000 $85,000-$100,000 $43,000-$50,000 $45,000-$50,000 $44,000-$50,000
Seniorย React Native Developer $115,000-$145,000 $110,000-$128,000 $50,000-$70,000 $55,000-$75,000 $50,000-$72,000


The React Native app developer salary in Brazil usually ranges from $40,000 to $75,000, depending on the expertise level of the specialist.


The engineer rates in Argentina resemble the ones provided in Mexico. For instance, a junior React Native developer’s salary here spans from $38,000 to $43,000.

React Native Developer Salary in Western & Nordic Europe

United Kingdom

Gross annual income, USD United Kingdom
England Scotland Wales Northern Ireland
Junior React Native Developer ย $50,000-$55,000 ย $47,000-$50,000 ย $45,000-$50,000 ย $45,000-$50,000
Middle React Native Developer ย $65,000-$70,000 ย $60,000-$68,000 ย $60,000-$65,000 ย $66,000-$70,000
Senior React Native Developer ย $90,000-$103,000 ย $82,000-$95,000 ย $80,000-$90,000 $82,000-$90,000

The UK has the highest senior React Native developer salary in the region: $80,000-$103,000.

Gross annual income, USD Germany France Italy Spain Norway Netherlands Sweden Austria Belgium Denmark
JuniorReact Native Developer $45,000-$52,000 $33,000-$39,000 $31,000-$37,000 $30,000-$40,000 $54,000-$60,000 $48,000-$55,000 $37,000-$42,000 $53,000-$55,000 $42,000-$45,000 $54,000-$60,000
MiddleReact Native Developer $52,000-$60,000 $40,000-$45,000 $38,000-$45,000 $42,000-$51,000 $68,000-$80,000 $60,000-$70,000 $50,000-$55,000 $55,000-$60,000 $47,000-$55,000 $62,000-$70,000
SeniorReact Native Developer $60,000-$75,000 $45,000-$60,000 $46,000-$58,000 $51,000-$62,000 $83,000-$96,000 $72,000-$85,000 $63,000-$70,000 $60,000-$67,000 $55,000-$65,000 $70,000-$75,000


The price tag for React Native specialists in Germany on average spans from $45,000 to $75,000.


In France, the full time React Native engineers receive decent pay as well: $33,000-$60,000 per annum.


Italian average remuneration for a React Native professional ranges between $31,000 and $58,000 annually.


In Spain, the React Native developer salary is almost the same as in Italy and France, with just a couple thousand dollar difference: $30,000-$62,000.ย 


The React Native programmer reward in Norway ranges from $54,000-$96,000, making it an absolute leader in the region.


The average React Native mobile developer salary in the Netherlands spans from $48,000 to $85,000 per year.


The Swedish IT market provides a decent median salary for a React Native specialist: $50,000-$55,000.


Austrian React Native experts tend to charge from $53,000-$67,000 annually.


The annual income of React Native developers in Belgium is similar to Austria: $42,000-$65,000.


In Denmark, the annual salary for a senior-level React Native specialist ranges from $70,000 to $75,000.

React Native Developer Salary in Eastern Europe

Gross annual income, USD Ukraine Poland Romania Hungary Czech Republic
Junior React Native Developer $20,000-$30,000 $24,000-$36,000 $18,000-$30,000 $18,000-$25,000 $17,000-$24,000
Middle React Native Developer $37,000-$55,000 $42,000-$60,000 $40,000-$55,000 $25,000-$40,000 $30,000-$42,000
Senior React Native Developer $60,000-$73,000 $65,000-$80,000 $60,000-$75,000 $42,000-$55,000 $48,000-$60,000


The average salary for a React Native developer in Ukraine varies from $20,000 to $73,000 annually.ย 


In Poland, React Native experts are paid on average $24,000-$80,000.ย 

Read our article about dedicated software teams in Poland to discover more insights about this talent pool!


Mid-level Romanian programmers who use React Native are paid like Ukrainian ones: $40,000-$55,000.


Hungarian React Native professionals receive some of the lowest remunerations in the Eastern European region: $18,000-$55,000.

Czech Republic

The average entry-level React Native developer salary in Czechia spans from $17,000 to $24,000.

React Native Developer Salary in Eastern & South Asia

Gross annual income, USD China Japan South Korea Singapore India
Junior React Native Developer $30,000-$40,000 $35,000-$45,000 $30,000-$35,000 $45,000-$50,000 $15,000-$20,000
Middle React Native Developer $35,000-$50,000 $50,000-$65,000 $40,000-$50,000 $60,000-$75,000 $22,000-$27,000
Senior React Native Developer $55,000-$70,000 $65,000-$77,000 $55,000-$65,000 $80,000-$90,000 $27,000-$32,000


The Chinese IT market provides a decent reward for React Native specialists: $30,000-$70,000 per annum.


The mid-level React Native developer in Japan earns $50,000-$65,000 annually.

South Korea

Just like their neighbor China, South Korea has a modest React Native developer salary: $30,000-$65,000.


React Native experts in Singapore have the highest annual income in the region: $45,000-$90,000.


Meanwhile, Indian React Native specialists are left behind with the lowest annual compensation among Asian countries: $15,000-$32,000.

React Native Developer Salary in Israel

Gross annual income, USD Israel
Jerusalem Tel Aviv Haifa Karmiel
Junior React Native Developer ย $55,000-$75,000 ย $55,000-$77,000 ย $50,000-$70,000 $50,000-$68,000
Middle React Native Developer ย $75,000-$95,000 ย $77,000-$95,000 ย $70,000-$90,000 $70,000-$88,000
Senior React Native Developer ย $95,000-$115,000 ย $95,000-$120,000 ย $90,000-$110,000 $90,000-$105,000

React Native Developer Salary in Australia

Gross annual income, USD Australia
Sydney Melbourne Perth Adelaide
Junior React Native Developer ย $50,000-$62,000 ย $50,000-$60,000 $45,000-$53,000 $45,000-$55,000
Middle React Native Developer ย $65,000-$85,000 ย $65,000-$80,000 $60,000-$75,000 $60,000-$77,000
Senior React Native Developer ย $90,000-$125,000 ย $90,000-$115,000 $80,000-$95,000 $80,000-$100,000

Code Quality, Expertise and Education of
React Native Programmers

As itโ€™s known, JavaScript is not the easiest programming language to learn and use, as it works asynchronously, meaning that code testing and debugging are not of rare nature. The same thing refers to React Native, since it can only be used in pair with JavaScript. Hence, when choosing an offshoring destination, the expertise of local React Native developers should be your number 1 priority. Below you can see the basic set of qualifications a React Native developer should possess.


When it comes to hiring such skilled developers, I would definitely suggest you opting for Eastern Europe. Why? Here are just a few reasons:

  • 1 million tech talent pool;
  • Leading positions in various IT skill rankings (SkillValue, Harvard Business Review, and TopCoder);ย 
  • Romanian, Hungarian, Czech, and Polish programmers are in the top 30 by English proficiency level;
  • Exceptional soft skills and desire for self-development;
  • Western-like mindset and high adaptability.

In addition to skilled engineers, you will also be able to cut expenses by spending less on wages and take advantage of favorable tax conditions (5% income tax in Poland and 0% in Romania for R&Ds). Take a cue from such tech giants as Google, Apple, Microsoft, Oracle, Amazon, IBM, Adobe, Intel, Samsung, and Cisco who have long been enjoying both offshore web development and mobile app development in Eastern Europe.

Set Up a Team of React Native Talents with Alcor BPO

A US-based IT company Sift wasnโ€™t a newbie in terms of cooperation with offshore programmers, as they already had over 50 people working for them from different parts of the world. As their business was growing, Sift set an ambitious plan โ€” to expand their global team by 30+ IT specialists. This decision could have cost them a pretty penny if they didnโ€™t opt for Eastern Europe. Since it was a new market for them, Sift needed an experienced IT recruitment provider ย who could navigate them through the whole process. Thatโ€™s when they reached out to Alcor.ย 

We assigned 14 IT recruiters and 1 account manager to undertake a full-cycle hiring process. Our team managed to hire programmers of various expertise levels and skill stacks, including Python, Java, Kafka, and React JS developers. Our tech recruiters also used executive search to headhunt a Front End Developer and Back End Engineer for Siftโ€™s remote team. In addition to that, we assisted the company with legal compliance, IP rights protection, and procurements. As a result, our client got a fully-backed engineering team of 30 developers in just a year!


Apart from Sift, we have also hired senior/lead software developers for such US and European IT product companies as People.ai, Dotmatics, Ledger, ThredUp, and many others. Our 40+ IT recruiters screen candidates, prepare blind CVs, conduct interviews, make job offers, and provide other services to hire programmers with proven track records and suitable skills. Thatโ€™s why we have an 80% CV pass rate, while 98,6% of our candidates successfully pass the probation period.



Which countries offer the highest middle React Native developer salary?

The USA, Australia, Canada, and Israel boast the most generous annual rewards for middle React Native developers.

Which countries provide the lowest senior React Native developer salary?

The most affordable senior React Native developer remunerations can be found in Hungary, Czechia, and India, where they span from $27,000-$60,000 per year.

Which region has the best price-to-quality ratio when it comes to building a React Native team?

If youโ€™re looking for the destination where you could recruit highly qualified React Native coders for an affordable price, you should go with Eastern Europe. The annual remuneration for this type of developer varies from $17,000 to $80,000 in this region.

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